
Feral Bees - Not the Heroes We Imagine

Many people think that every swarm of bees needs saving, but that’s not always the case. European honeybees, introduced to Australia in 1822, are an invasive species that often form feral swarms. These swarms can take over hollows meant for native animals, compete with native pollinators, and spread dangerous pests and diseases like American Foulbrood (AFB) and European Foulbrood (EFB). These bacterial infections can wipe out entire bee colonies, and relocation of infected bees could spread the problem further​.

Feral bees are much like feral cats - while we appreciate their place in the world, they can cause real harm if left unmanaged. That’s why, when handling feral swarms, we have to carefully consider whether relocating or exterminating is the best option.

Relocation First, Whenever Possible

At Spiderman SE, relocation is always our first choice. We partner with local beekeepers to safely capture and relocate swarms to a more suitable environment. However, it’s not as simple as just moving the bees. When a beekeeper takes in a swarm, they have to invest significant time and resources into ensuring the colony’s health:

  • Swarms must be inspected for pests like the Varroa mite, which is becoming a growing problem across Australia​.
  • Beekeepers often need to requeen the colony, replacing the feral queen to prevent future swarming and to improve the colony’s temperament.
  • Newly relocated bees must be fed and nurtured until their colony is strong enough to survive.

This process is expensive, time-consuming, and requires a high level of expertise, which is why free swarm collections simply aren’t feasible.  Our fees reflect our investment in training, equipment, and the safe relocation of bees, ensuring both their safety and yours.

When Extermination is Necessary

Despite our preference for relocation, there are some situations where extermination is the safer, more responsible choice:

  • Safety Concerns: If a hive is in a high-traffic area or inside a structure, the risk to people - especially those with allergies - can be too great to safely relocate the bees​.
  • Disease Risks: Feral bees can carry dangerous diseases like AFB and EFB. Relocating an infected swarm risks spreading the infection to other managed colonies, which could devastate local bee populations.
  • Difficult Locations: If a hive is located inside a wall cavity or another hard-to-reach spot, removing the bees safely could cause significant damage to the property. In these cases, extermination may be the most practical option​.

While extermination is always a last resort, it’s sometimes the only way to protect both the bees and the broader community.

Why We Charge for Swarm Collection

Here’s where it all comes together: We’re not just beekeepers - we’re licensed pest management professionals who take your safety seriously.  Over the past two years, we’ve invested heavily in our team’s qualifications, sending two staff members to Adelaide for specialised training through Bee Prepared, an RTO dedicated to safe and sustainable bee management.  This ensures that we’re equipped with the latest knowledge and best practices to safely relocate swarms.

On top of that, we carry $20 million in public liability insurance and $1 million in professional indemnity insurance, so you can rest easy knowing that we’re fully covered. Maintaining this level of cover isn’t cheap, but it’s crucial for protecting both you and us​.

When you engage Spiderman SE for bee removal, you’re getting more than just a quick fix. You’re getting a team that’s highly trained, fully insured, and dedicated to providing a safe, professional service. Our fees reflect the time, care, and investment we put into every job, ensuring the best possible outcome for you, your property, and the bees.

The Bigger Picture - Managing Pests and Protecting the Ecosystem

As the threat of Varroa mites grows and diseases like AFB and EFB continue to spread, responsible bee management is more important than ever. By removing and managing feral bee populations, we’re not only protecting your property but also helping to maintain the delicate balance of our local ecosystems.

At Spiderman SE, we take pride in our role as eco-conscious pest managers. We always aim to relocate when possible but make the tough call to exterminate when necessary. We’re here to keep you safe, protect our environment, and support the health of Australia’s bee populations.

For more information on our bee removal services, visit our Bee Removal page.