Pest control treatment -the 12-month miracle

We are going to bust this myth and explain why modern, environmentally safe pest control treatment products, like those used by Spiderman SE, require more frequent applications compared to the long-lasting but harmful pesticides of the past.

The longevity myth

In the past, hard-core pesticides (organochlorides) were the go-to chemicals for pest control due to their long-lasting effects; which is where the myth of a 12-month pesticide treatment most likely stemmed from. These pesticides, including notorious compounds like DDT, DDE and lindane, were very effective at killing pests and were long-lasting in the environment. Unfortunately, though, this persistence turned out to be a double-edged sword. 

Hard-core pesticides do not break down easily, leading to bioaccumulation in the environment. This means they can persist in soil and water for years, continuing to affect ecosystems long after their initial application. 

Nasty effects that come with hard-core pesticides

Alarmingly, these chemicals have been linked to serious health problems for us humans. Studies have shown that these chemicals can cause cancer, liver damage, reproductive issues, and mess with your brain. They can also disrupt hormonal systems, leading to developmental problems in children.

Our beloved pets are particularly vulnerable to the toxic effects of harmful pesticides like DDT and DDE due to their smaller size and being closer to the treated areas. Pets can suffer from the same health issues as us humans if exposed to these chemicals.

Livestock, including cattle, sheep, and horses, are also put at risk. The effects on these animals can be both direct and indirect. Chemicals can accumulate in the fat tissues of livestock, with residues that can persist for years, causing chronic toxicity that affects reproduction and brain function.

Wider environmental implications also indirectly affect pets and livestock, as well as us. Harmful pesticides can leach into water sources and soil, leading to contamination that affects everything that needs these to survive. These chemicals tend to bioaccumulate in the food chain, affecting not just the immediate environment but also the broader ecosystem.

Modern pest control products

Today’s pest control products are designed to be much safer for humans, pets, and the environment. Spiderman SE uses products that are just as effective as previous toxic pesticides. However, due to their safer compounds, they do require more frequent application to maintain their effectiveness. In our opinion, given what we know about the negative effects of the hard-core pesticides of old, it’s a compromise we’ve gladly made.

After 2019, Spiderman SE made the switch to Antagonist Pro for our outdoor pest control treatments because the products used previously had a high irritation factor and didn’t cover as wide a range of pests as Antagonist Pro. Antagonist Pro is also Australian-made and owned. Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Indoors, we use Temprid 75, which has a safer profile for pets, specifically cats, which can be sensitive to more commonly used products. In fact, it uses the same active ingredient as the spot-on flea treatments we use on our pets. We don’t use Temprid 75 outside because it is not as rain-fast or effective as Antagonist Pro, and it can be harmful to bees if sprayed irresponsibly outdoors. And we love our bees - just ask Sarah!

Modern products comply with very strict environmental and health regulations, so they are very safe to use, provided they are used how they are meant to be used. For example, our outdoor treatment, Antagonist Pro, is HACCP International certified, giving you peace of mind knowing that your pest problems are being handled in an environmentally safe manner. As pest control treatment professionals, it’s our job to assess your situation and provide you with the right pest control treatment using the right pest control products.

Benefits of frequent applications

While being safer, it does mean that the protection modern pest control treatments offer does not last as long as harmful pesticides. The need for more frequent applications of modern pest control products to maintain effectiveness is the unfortunate trade-off for their safety benefits and not a money-grabbing ploy - honestly! 

Another benefit of regular pest control treatments is that you are more likely to address the pests during various stages of their life cycles and put a stop to repopulation. These modern products are also less likely to cause harm to non-target species and are safer for use around children and pets.

So, the myth of a 12-month pesticide treatment is officially busted! While it might seem convenient to have a single treatment last an entire year, the associated health and environmental risks of such long-lasting chemicals are too significant to ignore. 

Modern pest control products, like those used by Spiderman SE, offer a safer alternative, even if they require more frequent applications. Besides, wouldn’t you like to see our beautiful faces more than once a year?