Supporting National Breast Cancer Foundation at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

In June we were all about "GOING PINK" to stand beside the incredible team at the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) and raise funds for the foundation.

We are pleased to announce that during the month of June we raised $1471 towards the campaign.

Championing this effort was our very own Sarah, (some would say the heart and soul behind Spiderman SE), whose own journey with cancer adds a deeply personal touch to this cause. Having fought her own battle with cancer, Sarah knows firsthand the importance of rallying behind research geared towards preventing, detecting, treating, and ultimately stopping the recurrence of breast cancer.

Did you know:

  • Over 3,200 Australians will lose their life this year
  • 57 Australians are diagnosed with breast cancer every day
  • Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia

Our team have been Pink Partners of the National Breast Cancer Foundation for years, making monthly contributions and raising awareness in the fight against breast cancer.

Our awesome team were rocking the pink attire, our utes were sporting a touch of pink, and during our pest dusting service for insects and spiders we were using special pink duckbill dusters. That's a whole lot of PINK!

It's all about showing our support for the National Breast Cancer Foundation in every way possible!

National Breast Cancer Foundation - Sarah Cutting

Sarah’s Story 

In March 2019, my life took an unexpected detour when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. As an entrepreneur, mum and active member of our community, this was a plot twist I definitely didn’t see coming. But as they say, life is full of surprises, and this was just another chapter in my epic novel.

I’m the kind of person who stays on top of health checks (I’d even had a clear mammogram before all this). So when I discovered a lump in early 2019, I wasn’t about to sit around waiting. With a lengthy wait time for a mammogram in Mount Gambier, I zipped off to Adelaide for a quicker appointment. Post-mammogram and biopsy, I was handed my new script: Grade 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Lights, camera, action—surgery was scheduled immediately.

Treatment was like the world's least fun rollercoaster ride, featuring surgery, chemo, and radiation. The surgery kicked off in March 2019 with a lumpectomy. 

Chemo was next, with 16 rounds that had me bouncing between Mount Gambier and Adelaide more often than I care to remember. Side effects? Oh, the full package—nausea, fatigue, and a new bald look, which I rocked, by the way. 

Radiating positivity, I faced a month of radiation therapy in Adelaide. Tough? Absolutely. But giving up wasn’t in the script.

Fast forward to 2024, and I’m celebrating five years cancer-free, a milestone that shifts the statistics in my favour regarding the chance of cancer recurrence. To celebrate, Spiderman SE is Going Pink. This journey hasn’t just been about survival; it’s been about learning to hit pause, listen to my body, and soak up every crazy, beautiful moment with my family and friends.

I got lucky, and I know it. Not everyone gets this kind of closing scene, and my heart goes out to the warriors still on the front lines and those who’ve faced loss - you know who you are.

This June, join me and Spiderman SE as we paint the town pink for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). This cause means the world to me, and we're determined to boost support for life-saving research and patient care. The NBCF has been an invaluable ally, offering everything from early detection to support services.

When we come together, real change is possible and we hope our GO PINK initiative not only offers practical support but also shines as a beacon of hope in the fight against breast cancer.

Thank you for your support  🩷
Sarah & Michael Cutting