Fly prevention tips - pest control treatments

Fly Prevention Tips

Posted on December 04, 2019

Flies can be annoying part of the Australian summer, both inside and outside the home. Here are some great fly prevention tips...

Fly Control
termite treatments costs - house on concrete slab

How Much Does a Termite Treatment Cost?

Posted on December 04, 2019

When it comes to protecting your home from termites, you really want the best. So how much should you pay for a termite treatment?

Termite TreatmentTermite Control
Worker termites look like white ants

Termites v Borers – What's the Difference?

Posted on December 04, 2019

Both termites and borers can cause significant damage to your home, but it can be tricky for homeowners to tell the difference. Here's how..

Termite Control
Moths and fabric pests - pest control

How Can I Protect my Clothes from Fabric Pests?

Posted on September 18, 2019

Need pest protection for your clothes and fabrics in your home? Check out our top tips.

Pest Control
Termite control - How to spot termites around your home

Why are Termites Attacking my Home?

Posted on September 17, 2019

Why do termites attack some homes and not others? Here are some reasons why.

Termite ControlTermite Prevention
Spider pest control - spider bites, spider webs

Spider Bites – Should I be Worried and What Should I Do?

Posted on September 16, 2019

Getting bitten by a spider can be very unpleasant and the bites of some Australian spiders may need some medical treatment. See our tips.

Spider Control
Termite protection house renovations part of the building code

Doing Renovations? What about Termite Protection?

Posted on June 03, 2019

Doing renovations around the home is the perfect time to consider termite protection.

Building RenovatingTermite Control
Termite treatments - termites eating wood

What’s the Best Termite Treatment?

Posted on May 28, 2019

The best termite treatment will depend on various factors that a professional termite inspection will factor in.

Termite TreatmentTermite Control
Rodents crawling over dishes in the sink

How to Identify the Most Common Rodent Pests you’ll Find on your Property

Posted on May 27, 2019

Have a rodent problem in your home or business? Here's how to identify most common rodents you'll find.

Rodent Control
tips to prevent a termite attack - termite damaged wood

Top 10 Tips to Prevent a Termite Attack

Posted on May 13, 2019

South Australia is a termite hotspot with every 1 in 5 homes likely to suffer an attack.

Termite PreventionTermite Control