Pest Control and Termite Treatment in Winter
Posted on May 21, 2024Winter's chilly grip isn't just nipping at your nose; it's also ushering in a parade of uninvited guests seeking refuge in your cozy home.
Why Spraying Surfaces for Termite Control is Ineffective
Posted on October 27, 2023While at face value, termites may look like teeny, tiny, harmless little blighters; they are a Goliath of the insect world with an incredible ability to cause significant structural damage to homes and other buildings. Consequently, termite treatments have become a common practice to protect our hard-earned properties.
What’s the Difference Between White Ants and Termites?
Posted on January 24, 2023Termites are often referred to as White Ants, but did you know a termite is not actually an ant?
What are the Chances of a Termite Attack (Especially if the Neighbour has Termites)?
Posted on July 20, 2021Termite infestation is likely if your neighbour has termites.
How to Build a Termite-Smart Deck and Protect your Home
Posted on July 15, 2021Consider termite protection when building a deck. Here's how...
How to Create a Termite-Smart Garden
Posted on June 25, 2021Reduce termites attacking your home by creating a termite smart garden.
Termite Inspection vs Free Termite Check – What’s the difference?
Posted on April 14, 2021A free termite inspection may sound good deal, but it could cost you thousands.
Top 10 Termite Myths – Fact or "Fake News"?
Posted on January 22, 2021Top ten myths about termites: are they fact or "fake news"?
How Much Does a Termite Treatment Cost?
Posted on December 04, 2019When it comes to protecting your home from termites, you really want the best. So how much should you pay for a termite treatment?
Termites v Borers – What's the Difference?
Posted on December 04, 2019Both termites and borers can cause significant damage to your home, but it can be tricky for homeowners to tell the difference. Here's how..